WorkSafe increases focus on Major Hazard Facilities

WorkSafe Victoria are increasingly scrutinising performance monitoring of Major Hazard Facilities.

A review of recent Major Hazard Facility (MHF) licensing decisions by WorkSafe Victoria indicate that performance monitoring and auditing are of significant concern to the regulator. MHFs should take note of the increasing trend to direct MHF operators to increase efforts in this critical area of any Safety Management System (SMS).

Effective performance monitoring provides senior management at an MHF with critical insights into the effectiveness of the SMS and risk control measures adopted. Deficiencies in performance monitoring at a number of MHF have led to the regulator imposing conditions on MHF licences.

Typical licence conditions imposed include obligations to ensure:

performance monitoring and auditing of the MHF’s control measures (to verify the effectiveness of the controls) is being used to improve control measure performance over time;

performance monitoring and auditing of the MHF’s SMS (to verify the effectiveness of all aspects of the SMS) is being used to continually improve all aspects of the SMS;

action is being taken to address gaps identified between the actual performance of the SMS and risk control measures, and the expected performance standard.

MicroRisk Group have supported a number of MHF clients with performance monitoring and auditing both proactively and in response to MHF licence conditions; you can read more about how we co-designed a performance monitoring program with a client in South Australia here.

Don’t wait for WorkSafe, if you’re an executive or senior manager at a MHF, you should be asking:

do I have an adequate insight into the effectiveness of our SMS and risk control measures

if the answer is “no” contact us today to hear how we can work with you to ensure your performance monitoring program is fit-for-purpose and sustainable; ensuring your management team have the tools and insights to safely and competently operate the MHF. If your unsure about the effectiveness of your current program read more about some of the common pitfalls here.


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