Proposed Safety Measures for Ammonium Nitrate Storage (NSW)

The NSW Government is proposing safety measures that will strengthen the current regulation of ammonium nitrate storage. The measures would provide additional protections for workers and communities near ammonium nitrate storage facilities.

Members of the chemical industry, the public, peak industry bodies and community groups are being encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed implementation of mandatory separation distances for the storage of ammonium nitrate in New South Wales.

Whilst NSW explosives legislation currently sets mandatory separation distances for the explosive precursor ammonium nitrate emulsion (ANE), there is no prescribed separation distance for ammonium nitrate.

Separation distances are one measure to reduce risk to persons and property from ammonium nitrate storage.

Currently an explosives licence is required to import, export, manufacture, store, supply, use or transport ammonium nitrate. The NSW Government is proposing to only licence facilities storing ammonium nitrate if they comply with standard separation distances from populated areas and infrastructure.

Under Work Health and Safety legislation, quantities exceeding 2,500 tonnes of ammonium nitrate or 5,000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate fertilisers require a major hazard facility licence.

You can give feedback on the proposed changes here.

MicroRisk Group can assist you to understand your obligations if you import, export, manufacture, store, supply, use or transport ammonium nitrate. See our Services for more information.


Changes to Dangerous Substance Licenses (South Australia)


Independent Review of Victoria’s Dangerous Goods Laws