No one plans to have an emergency!

Whilst no one plans to have an emergency, everyone needs an emergency plan.

All workplaces need an effective emergency plan which addresses the types of incidents that could arise at their premises. If you’re storing or handling dangerous goods it’s not only prudent, you may have a legal obligation to prepare an emergency plan and seek advice from the fire services.

When preparing an emergency plan it is critical that it is site-specific and tailored to the premises and hazards (including dangerous goods) present. Other information that should be present in an emergency plan includes:

  • Company name and address

  • Emergency contacts (including after-hours)

  • A detailed site plan

  • An inventory of dangerous goods and their locations

  • Number of workers likely to be present

  • Description of and procedures for the activation of emergency equipment (i.e. fire protection system, bunding, interceptor pits, site alarms etc.)

  • Information on and procedures for the emergency organisation (i.e. Incident Controller, Fire Wardens, First Aiders).

  • Information on essential services (i.e. the locations where the gas and electricity for the premises can be isolated)

  • Triggers and procedures for contacting the emergency services and reporting incidents to regulatory authorities such as WorkSafe

However, an emergency plan is only effective if it’s accessible in an emergency and workers are trained and practiced in its use.

MicroRisk Group can assist you with preparing a new emergency plan or reviewing your existing plan to ensure not only that your business meets its obligations but you keep your people and plant safe if an incident does occur. See our Services for more information.


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